Mon-Fri 08:00 AM - 07:00 PM - Sat: 08:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Mon-Fri 08:00 AM - 07:00 PM - Sat: 08:00 AM - 2:00 PM
House Needs Rewiring
House Rewiring in St Helens

Any house will need renovations from time to time. Furnishings and décor can become tired and worn out and in need of freshening up. There is also the physical structure of the house that can need maintenance and repairs. There are also other factors to take into account, such as the wiring, and any house will need rewiring from time to time.

Find out how much it will cost to rewire your house: 07504266913

How Do I Know My House Needs Rewiring?

One sign that your house is rewiring is that sockets and other fittings don’t work reliably, and you might often be on the phone to a local electrician in St Helens to fix problems. You might also notice that fittings are becoming worn and broken and some might even be showing exposed wires, which is an obvious hazard. Instead of constantly patching up problems as they occur, it is often best to just invest in having the whole system rewired.

A need for rewiring will sometimes be identified when you are buying a new house. It may also be required if you are renovating, and renovating often presents a good opportunity to get your house, or at least part of your house, rewired anyway. Modernizing might also require rewiring, especially in the case of old houses.

When to Call an Electrician

  • Lights going dim when using appliances.
  • Arcing or cracking noise from switches.
  • Green liquid substance around connections.
  • Burning smell from switches.
  • Accidents – i.e. nail through wire.
  • Older style sockets and switches.
  • Fuse blowing without cause.
  • Trip switch’s tripping.
  • No lights or sockets working.
  • Burning smell when using appliances.

How To Rewire A House:

Rewiring a house is a pretty big job. The wires will be located in the attic, under floorboards, and behind walls. Our electricians based in St Helens will need access to the wiring system and this means pulling up floorboards and getting to wires located behind walls. With this in mind, the best time to have a house rewired is when it is empty and undergoing renovation. The job will typically need to done in different stages.

  • Preparation: In the preparation stage, ceilings and floors are opened up to give access to the wiring. Drywalls are removed and floors and carpets are covered for protection. When this is done, the new wiring plan will be made.
  • Removal and Replacement: In the next stage, the old wiring is removed. New holes are drilled where needed and new chasing made. The new cables can then be inserted.
  • Finishing: Once the new wiring is in place, it is time to cover it up with floorboards, drywall, and worktops etc. Sockets and other fitting are also then added to complete the job.
  • Inspection: The job isn’t quite over yet – there is still an inspection to be done. This is to help ensure everything is working as it should do and that everything is safe.

Rewiring A House in St Helens Includes:

  • Double and single sockets
  • New fuse board installion
  • All wiring (lights and sockets)
  • Trade pricing for all materials
  • Extra lights, sockets, and rewires.
  • Fault finding and diagnostics.
  • Electric cooker installations.
  • Spot lights and interior lights
  • External lights for secuity and garden
  • Future planning for extensions 

Cost To Rewire A House in St Helens

This is a question on most peoples’ lips. The prices will obviously vary according to the property and other factors. However, you can expect prices to begin at around £2,000 for a 1 bedroom house. If it is a 5 bedroom house then the cost is likely to rise up to around £10,000. There are several factors that will affect the cost of having a house rewired, including:

  • The size of the property
  • The number of electrical points needed
  • The type of walls that are used
  • The complexity of the job overall

While having a house rewired may seem costly, it is also something that can be necessary. It is often best to take the opportunity of a house remodeling or similar to get the job done. Once the job has been completed, you can be sure you have access to all the electrical points you need, that they are reliable, and safe.

Call your Local  Electrican for a free quote on: 07504266913
and we will be more than happy to help in any way that we can

  • 34 Beech Gardens, Rainford, St Helens, WA11 8DJ
  • Mon-Fri 08:00 AM - 07:00 PM
    Sat-Sun: 08:00 AM - 02:00 PM
  • 07504266913
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