You should call an electrician if you are in considerable discomfort because of a faulty electrical system. This includes issues like your home heating not working and/or a very real threat risk of a fire breaking out. Other examples include getting a shock when you touch a light switch, which would suggest a very real risk of somebody in your household getting badly hurt – or even worse.
Other situations may not be so urgent but should still encourage you to get professional help as soon as possible. Are your fuses blowing too often, for example? If so, then there’s probably a problem that needs to be fixed as soon as you can. The same goes for situations like getting a huge electric bill, having to change light bulbs frequently, and having flickering lights. While these will often not be deemed urgent enough to send somebody immediately, we will still try and make an anointment for as soon as we can. Even if you’re not sure, it’s best to give us a call anyway to be on the safe side.
We can assist with all your electrical needs including: